Overriding parent group with child styles in Tailwind CSS


2 min read

I'll explain this concept by focusing on hovering. You can apply these concepts to any tailwind pseudo-class.

Challenge with group-hover

Tailwind CSS's group-hover utility lets you apply styles based on a parent's hover state. But when child elements have their own hover styles, the parent hover takes priority.

Here's how you can make individual hover styles take precedence over the group-hover styles:

<ul class="group">
  <li class="group-hover:bg-red-500 hover:bg-blue-600">Item 1</li> 
  <li class="bg-blue-600 group-hover:bg-green-500">
    <div class="hover:bg-blue-600">
      Item 2 (selected)
  <li class="group-hover:bg-yellow-500 hover:bg-blue-600">Item 3</li>

See it on Tailwind Play to visualize the above code.

Breaking Down the Code

In the provided example, each list item demonstrates how to manage and prioritize hover effects:

  • Item 1: This item has two hover utilities - hover:bg-blue-600 for individual hover and group-hover:bg-red-500 for when the entire list is hovered over. If both hovers are applied — for example, by hovering over the entire list and then over Item 1 — the group-hover always takes precedence, displaying the red background.

  • Item 2: The outer <li> has a group-hover:bg-green-500, while the nested <div> contains its own hover:bg-blue-600. When the entire list is hovered over, the group-hover effect applies to the outer element, giving it a green background. However, when you hover directly over the nested <div>, the individual hover effect takes priority, turning the background blue.

By understanding and correctly ordering the hover utilities, and strategically nesting elements when needed, you can dictate which hover effect should take precedence in various scenarios. I've used these concepts to create tailwindcss-bg-breakpoint, a cool little tailwind plugin which helps you visualize your screen size through your element's background. It's been really helpful for creating responsive designs - I hope you'll find it useful too!